Thursday, August 30, 2018

Revisiting the Irma Hotel


Bar at the Irma Hotel
We decided to have dinner out instead of the cheese and crackers we had enjoyed on Tuesday evening.

Deciding against a full meal, we stopped in at the Irma Hotel for appetizers and drinks. The famous gunfight re-enactment was going on, so it wasn't hard to find a seat at the bar. Sidebar: a few years ago, a spectator was shot at this gunfight with real ammunition.

I was amazed that my $5 Pinot Noir (Han's -- never heard of it) was delicious. We chose the appetizer plate to share and I almost immediately regretted succumbing to greasy bar food. There was far too much food for us to eat but it seemed like the easiest choice at the time.

Our server/bartender was a young woman with two children, originally from southern California. She lives in Cody because of the rodeo. She is a professional roper -- not quite sure what that means. "As seen on TV?", I asked. "No", she said. "They make $500K a year and don't tend bar to make ends meet." Anyway, she loves Cody because she and do the Rodeo thing 90 days a year.

We didn't go in the old section to see the famous cherrywood bar from Queen Victoria. We were happy to walk along the main street in the bright evening sunlight.

1 comment:

  1. i don't know if “enjoed” is the right word for the link you made to the 2016 Cody bar live ammunition incident! Perhaps astounded would be better! Certainly different!
